If you find that there is a problem with the goods you received, please contact us immediately.
- If you find any problems with the goods, please keep all packaging materials, including original packaging, documents and related accessories.
- If you request a return or exchange because the style or colour of the purchased goods is different from what you imagined, aesthetically not pleasing, does not perform as expected, you don't like it, etc., unfortunately, we will not accept your return request.
- After you receive the goods, please be sure to videotape the entire unpacking process to ensure that when you receive the goods, our products are already defective or damaged.
- If you find any defective products, please read the following return instructions and contact us as well as submit your return request and the reason(s) to us within three days after receiving the goods.
- We will not be able to provide any form of return or exchange if the request is made three days after receiving the goods.
Return and exchange conditions
- The product must be defective or damaged.
- Kitchen knives are handmade products and may have some slight scratches during production. If the defects do not seriously affect the appearance or use, we may not accept your request.
- The product be kept in an unused condition and retain all original boxes and packaging.
- When we accept your return or exchange request, it must be sent back within seven days.
- If there are any disputes during the return process, Syoukon Hamono will reserve the right to make the final decision and interpretation.
Please note: We strongly recommend that customers return goods to us by registered or trackable mail when returning goods. For customers in Hong Kong, we prefer that you visit our company to return or exchange goods in person. If you choose to mail, please ensure that the goods are packed and wrapped securely to avoid damage during transportation.
Conditions for Refund
- There are no refunds for any items in this store.
Cancel order
- Once the order is confirmed, there is no cancellation, exchange or refund to be provided.